Models for "A data-driven approach to the changing vocabulary of the 'nation' in English, Dutch, Swedish and Finnish newspapers, 1750-1950"

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Supplementary materials for the DH2019 paper "A data-driven approach to the changing vocabulary of the ‘nation’ in English, Dutch, Swedish and Finnish newspapers, 1750-1950". If you end up using whole or parts of this resource, please use the following citation:

Hengchen, S., Ros, R., and Marjanen, J. (2019). A data-driven approach to the changing vocabulary of the ‘nation’ in English, Dutch, Swedish and Finnish newspapers, 1750-1950. In Proceedings of the Digital Humanities (DH) conference 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands

The descriptions of the source material as well as word embeddings are available in Zenodo, and the Zenodo archive contains three folders – one per language – as well as a README. The folders contain the models for their respective languages.

Hengchen, Simon, University of Helsinki
Ros, Ruben, Utrecht University
Marjanen, Jani, University of Helsinki

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