Corpus of Finnish Magazines and Newspapers from the 1990s and 2000s, Version 1

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1990- ja 2000-luvun suomalaisia aikakaus- ja sanomalehtiä -korpus, versio 1


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The corpus is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland (,

Reference instructions for this older version:
University of Helsinki (2016). Corpus of Finnish Magazines and Newspapers from the 1990s and 2000s, Version 1 [text corpus]. Kielipankki. Retrieved from

When quoting, also the name of the writer of the article, the title of the article, the name of the magazine or newspaper as well as the issue number or day of publication should be mentioned.

IMPORTANT: This corpus had been enlarged constantly with magazines and newspapers. Since November 2017 the corpus has self-contained versions for each update. This first version of the corpus is now defined as lehdet90ff-v1. See Change log below for details.

The downloadable version is not exactly matching the list of newspapers and magazines of lehdet90ff-v1. This has been corrected in lehdet90ff-v2 and lehdet90ff-dl-v2.

Change log
24.2.2017 Short name changed from lehdet90-00 to lehdet90ff
- Short name changed from lehdet90ff to lehdet90ff-v1
- The content of the following corpora has been amended in Korp: niin&näin, Liikenteen suunta. The data of the original versions is available upon request. For further information Please see ‘Detailed list of magazines and newspapers’ in Documentation.
- Part-of-speech-tagging has been added to 33 sub corpora. Please see Note 4) in ‘Detailed list of magazines and newspapers’ in Documentation.
- The attribute ‘lemma’ has been changed in the data of 51 sub corpora. Please see Note 5) in ‘Detailed list of magazines and newspapers’ in Documentation.
- Simple search autocompletion and word picture function has been fixed to the above mentioned and another three magazines. Please see Note 6) in ‘Detailed list of magazines and newspapers’ in Documentation.

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Viittausohje tälle vanhalle versiolle:
Helsingin yliopisto (2016). 1990- ja 2000-luvun suomalaisia aikakaus- ja sanomalehtiä -korpus, versio 1 [tekstikorpus]. Kielipankki. Saatavilla

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